Monday, March 14, 2011

There is a new blog in town!

While I love to tell you silly tales of my life and my belly button...

There is a new blog in town....

Check it out :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bagels, Cheesecakes and Cinnamon Rolls!

Ada Marie's is excited to announce that we will be back up and running beginning March 11th, 2011!

Now taking orders for the following:


Our bagels are made with sweet local honey, fresh and dried spices, spring water and sea salt.
 Ada Marie's bagels are made in the traditional way. Each batch is hand kneaded, boiled and then baked to perfection.

We offer the following flavors

Plain~Garlic & Onion~Basil,Garlic &Cheese and Tangy Cranberry

8 bucks ~ 8 bagels

Marie's Ridicously Good Cheesecakes

Made with real cream cheese, fresh squeezed lemons,
real vanilla and sour cream! 
Triple baked and so good you will wish you ordered more!

8 x 8 size ~ 15 dollars

Yum~Yum Ada's Buns

Made with just the right mix of Pioneer sugar & dried spices.
Ada's Buns melt in your mouth.
These homemade cinnamon buns are covered in a
creamy vanilla maple frosting.

8 x 8 size ~ 10 bucks

Call or text your order today!  (989) 553~4700


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eviction Notice

I had intended to write a blog evicting my little baby from my womb that he has been inhabiting for the past 10 months.  I had intended to write a very funny blog depicting all of the crazy things that have happened to my body during pregnancy.  It was my very intention to jokingly evict the baby from my womb for destruction of property and loss of sleep.


The words would just not spill..  I found this odd since I knew exactly what I wanted to write about and how I wanted it to sound.  I blamed it on my pregnant scattered brain and then I realized it wasn't my pregnant brain afterall.

I was having trouble writing,  because it wasn't the truth....

It is true that the baby has caused some destruction of property.  My stomach looks like shattered glass, I have so many stretch marks.  Nearly nothing fits anymore but my comfy pj bottoms and tank tops.  My nose is puffy, I never sleep well and I have got the stinkiest gas ever......but I love it.  Not the gas, the pregnancy.

The real truth is...

I love being pregnant.  I love my big, huge, over-stretched belly with all it's remarkable marks.  I like washing it and smearing cocoa butter (which didn't seem to help one bit) all over it.  Mostly, I love watching baby tv on it.  I love gazing down at my giant orb and watching my babies little feet move from one side to the other.  I love cupping his tiny bum in my hand, rubbing his back and feeling his little baby arms move around.  I don't love the hiccups; but they still make me smile.  I like poking his toes.

Yes, it's a bummer to wear the same stuff day in and day out.  I'd love some cute new jeans or fun flirty dresses...wait I have those things...and they will fit again...eventually.

Lastly, I have my whole life to sleep, sleep is over rated.

So dear baby as much as I wanted to evict you from your little baby space because I thought it would be funny; I really don't mind if you want to stay just awhile longer. 

Because the truth is I am really going to miss being pregant....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Matt & Misty & The Netti Pot....

I am terrified of Netti Pots....and this is why....

I remember the moment like it was yesterday. I stood at the kitchen counter in a pair of grey drawstring pajama pants and a canary yellow tank top, clumsily pealing plastic cellophane off of a laminated turquoise box. Carefully, I examined the the front cover while, "Blistered in the Sun," by Violent Femms drummed in the background. In one hand I clutched a crumpled up tissue while the other hand manipulated the box open.

As I rhythmically shook my bottom to the music (yes rhymically), I saw Matt coming into the kitchen.

He started tapping on the counter to the music and moving his head to the beat, as he exclaimed how desperate I must be to try out the Netti Pot. He was right. At this point I was desperate. My nose was plugged on one side and the other was producing copious amounts of snot. My poor nose was strawberry red and irritated from blowing. I was about to try anything for a bit of relief.

After what seemed like forever, I managed to peel off the thin, but mighty cellophane from the box and with a "Tada" I held the Netti Pot up high for all to see. Well for me and Matt anyhow. It looked harmless and reminded me of an Egyptian Tea Pot. Not that I have ever seen an Egyptian Tea Pot. I don't even know if that is a real thing, but if it is I have to imagine that the Netti Pot does infact resemble one. At this point, I decided heck if it doesn't work for a snot reliever I will use it as a tiny little tea pot to make tiny amounts of tea in.

I tell this to Matt and he tells me I am nasty. He then confirms the fact that it is nasty to turn your Netti Pot into a tea pot with our beautiful yellow lab, Libby.

I began filling the Netti Pot with seaming hot water and confidently explained to Matt that the steam simply loosens the boogers so you can blow them out. This is when Matt looses interest, bids me good luck and leaves the room.

Once the Netti Pot was filled with steaming hot water I positioned the long thin nozzle part up to my nose and tried to pull air and steam into my plugged nostril. Nothing happened and I said so to Libby, who was lazily wagging her tail and watching me with interest.

Not to be discouraged I repositioned the Netti Post and firmly but gently stuck the nozzle into my nostril. This time, I decided to hold the other nostril closed to create a seal. As I did this....BOILING HOT WATER ESCAPED FROM THE NETTI POT AND INTO MY NOSTRIL! I screamed! I screamed, "Holy Hell!" I screamed, as I sprayed molten lava snot from my nose on to the kitchen counter, where it dripped to the floor. I slid to the kitchen sink and began to splash cool water on my face.

At this point Matt joined me, since he heard me exclaim and then begin to sputter. I was gagging and sputtering and the inner layer of my nostril had began to swell. I was pretty sure I had done permanent damage and the look on Matt's face confirmed my suspicion. As we examined my injuries Libby's big pink tongue quickly lapped up all my boogies and hot water off the floor, gross yes. Helpful, yes.

I decided to go in the bathroom for a better look and Matt decided to read the directions on the box. He called to me as I was tenderly applying honey balm to my even redder then I started with nose. He informs me that you are to fill the pot with tepid water and salt...not steaming hot water. And you are to lean your head to the side and pour the tepid water in through one nostril and out the other. Really, who has that kind of skill. He smiled as he held up the box and pointed at the step by step instructions complete with pictures. The actual directions frightened me. Pouring water into your nose sounds like a good way to have an accidental drowning!

And so in the end I never attempted to use the Netti Pot correctly, nor did I use it as a tiny tea pot. I sold the sucker on Ebay for more then I originally purchased it for.

A wise investment ;)

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 ~ It's been an odd year.....

2010 ~ Has been an odd year for the Wettergrens.

This year we have found ourselves unemployed. Yep, both of us. I remember my mouth uttering the words, "We shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket." Well I was right. But that is of little difference now, since I wouldn't take back the experience I had working side by side with my husband. I truly enjoyed it and as the freezing temperatures bring what I hope is a very busy season to those still lugging air movers around....I am jealous. I loved plunging my sneakers into ice soaked carpeting, lugging in equipment, learning the vortex process and being helpful. Most of all I enjoyed working with Matthew.

We have been filled with sorrow over the loss of loved ones (some to heaven and some just lost from our lives). Matt lost his father this year and it was painful. There are no words that can describe the hurt in your heart when someone so wonderful leaves your life. Frank was wonderful and many of his wonderful qualities live on in his son. The changes in our lives this year have brought a different kind of loss. We have lost co-workers, friends and family due to circumstance. This loss is different, but still we grieved.

We are pregnant! Well Matt isn't but he is certainly playing a large roll in the pregnancy, so he deserves some credit. It took us 10 months to conceive this little baby, most of them in secret since we wanted it to be a surprise. On Memorial Day over pancakes and fried potatoes we finally saw two lines....two blue lines! It was amazing from day 1. Matt is more then wonderful when it comes to caring for me and our unborn baby. With each passing day my love for this man grows. At this very moment he is sleeping on the couch, so I may find an ounce of comfort in the bed. My love grows. Last night when my feet were throbbing in pain, he came to me and rubbed them with tender hands so that I might relax enough to fall asleep. My love grows. He gets me water when I don't ask, fetches my blanket without my knowledge and pulls my big bellied body out of the tub when I am too tired to rise. My love grows. He tucks me into bed every single night. My love grows. He endures my endless foul gas, my infrequent moods and my lack luster cooking. My love grows. As I incubate the baby, he deserves a big shot out to the world! Thank you my dear have made this pregnancy a pure joy. And praise God for making this pregnancy easy breezy and for blessing me with my perfect companion. It makes it easy for me to be a help-meet.

We have learned a thing or two about money. One. Despite popular belief it does not grow on trees, it is not easy to come buy and when made of plastic it really isn't money at all. Two. You don't need what they have and if you want it you best have a coupon for it. I can not tell you how much money we have saved this year with coupons. If you are not clipping, you are a fool or a millionare. I now treat those tiny colorful pieces of paper as currency. You must have extreme diligence if you plan to save loads of money(and I do). It takes hours to compare prices, sales and coupons between stores; but in the end the money saved is well worth the trouble. Three. Earn money any way you can. This year we have sold so much stuff on eBay I am surprised to see we still have stuff left. We have collected milkweed on the sides of roads, fields and ditches. This milkweed we sold by the pound and we collected hundreds of pounds! Nothing like seeing a pregnant women in the ditch with a bag around her neck picking milkweed...the looks I got while collecting these little money pods ~ priceless! Do odd jobs. We did. Use your skills. We did. Because of this we have survived. We are blessed! Until Matt finds new employment (hopefully close to home, but that is looking less and less likely) or his business gets work (lot's of it ~ pray) we must do what we have to do.

Looking forward.....

In the first part of 2011 things are about to get really strange. Our baby will be born, in our home. We are nervous and excited.

In 2011 we look forward to Matt's business getting off the ground, so he does not have to go downstate for work. If he does, we will be will just suck a little. Ok, it will suck alot.

My bakery will be back up and running in the spring. I am now on maternity leave from baking since it hurts my back and I am about to give birth. This will be my job and I am looking forward to it.

I will start a book that has been asking to be written for sometime.

We will explore the vision we have of a shop (it's kind of a big deal and a big secret).

We will cling to love, not money.

We will play with our dogs and soon our new baby.

And we will do silly things that make life worth living.......
Let's pray 2011 isn't so odd....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Unraveling Belly Button....

As a child I was quite certain that the doctor in charge of tying up my belly button may have failed in someway and that sucker was due to unravel at any moment. It's a secret fear that my belly button would unravel and I would just spill out. Kind of like when you think you tied the water balloon and as soon as you release it, your covered in water.

When I was little, I would peer into my belly button; yes into (I have an extreme inny with a slight protrusion...a nubbin if you will). I hated the way it looked all smooth and then that weird bubble and so deep in I had to stretch my belly to get a good look at it.

As I get further into my pregnancy, my childhood fascination with my belly button has surfaced. I peer, I touch it and ask other people to touch it. It is moving closer and closer to the rim of my belly and today it changed to a dingy brown color. It looks like a M&M fell in and I didn't clean it out good enough. Hmmm, I hope that isn't what happened. Either way the dark colored circle is rising to the surface...and I am hoping it doesn't unravel!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Some ideas take time....

An idea that started in March has now extended through the summer and now into fall!
I have a good excuse.....
Months pass quickly while you are in a coma. My husband and I are expecting our first child and my first trimester landed me in a pit of fog. I slept and I slept and when I wasn't sleeping I was wadding around in a thick fog the bogged me down and sucked the life right out of me.
No exaggeration it was that bad.
While I was busy sleeping, I was also very busy building a human being inside my there is my excuse.
The fog it has lifted! But it has left me with a certain amount of dumbness that really makes things fun. I find things like parmesan cheese in the silverware drawer and milk in the cupboard; but I am glad to find those things. Somethings, I can not find at all like my brown stretchy pants.
The bigger my belly gets the better things seem to be, so I have gotten off the comfy couch and and planted my feet on the cold tile floor of my kitchen. I've been turning out practice goods and cooking up ideas! I am ready once again to make my debut.....Ada Marie's will live on!